Chelsee Lewis has been in the beauty industry for over 22 years and has worked with celebrities like Stella McCartney, Gwyneth Paltrow, Suki Waterhouse, and Erin O’Connor. She specializes in making bespoke skincare plans and treatments for each of her clients based on their individual goals. What makes her a little different is that some of her methods are a little quirky, such as using sperm as a face mask and microneedles on your lips.

Reduce stress with sex

Sex helps to lower stress hormones that can cause havoc on the skin, but it also helps to balance other hormones and improve collagen production. Sex will give you an immediate glow as it boosts oxygen and improves circulation. Lewis recommends taking things a little further with a sperm face mask to fight wrinkles. Sperm contains spermine, an antioxidant compound that reduces wrinkles, smooths skin and prevents acne. One thing that the celebrity facialist hasn’t revealed is how she found this out.

Microneedling your lips

Microneedling is commonly used to treat and improve wrinkles, acne scarring, loose skin, fine lines, stretch marks, and pigment problems. Lewis recommends using it on your lips instead for plumper, fuller lips that are soft, thanks to a microneedle device that uses 12 small needles. There are no side effects and you don’t need to wait to show off your lips after the procedure as the results are instant.

Braving the ice for brighter skin

Lewis claims that using ice on the skin is one of her favorite ways to wake up tired-looking skin. She recommends filling up the basin with cold water and ice cubes to help drop the temperature. Splash the water onto your face 15 to 20 times to help close pores and brighten skin. If you wear makeup, apply it afterwards and it will sit beautifully

Coconut oil pulling

Oil pulling is becoming a popular trend and it’s something that Gwyneth Paltrow swears by to keep her teeth looking their best, but it’s also believed there are benefits to the skin. Swish a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes before brushing your teeth or eating. This exercises your lower face muscles to tighten the skin and reduce any drop that happens with age. Coconut oil also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties so it can ‘pull’ impurities out of the body, giving you more energy and clearer, healthier skin.


Ultrasound for anti-aging

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a new non-surgical facelift treatment that lifts and tightens loose or sagging skin around the neck and face. It focuses energy to stimulate deep layers of supporting skin without damaging the surface of the skin. This stimulates new collagen growth, which is responsible for firmer, toned skin. Results develop over two to three months, but some clients have reported improvements up to six months after. HIFU essentially offers the results of a facelift without undergoing surgery and with a lot less risk involved.

For some people, if it’s good enough for celebrities it’s good enough for them. Others will be more inclined to ask questions before putting their partner’s sperm around their eyes and may opt for something a little more mainstream. Some of Lewis’ other ideas are easier to get on board with, such as washing your face with very cold water and oil pulling.