Skin Care | Your Skin Online Better Skin - Your Skin! Thu, 20 Apr 2023 18:34:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 122115883 How Construction Workers Can Protect Their Skin Wed, 29 Mar 2023 02:04:21 +0000

How Construction Workers Can Protect Their Skin

Construction work can be a fulfilling career for those who enjoy working with their hands and being outdoors, but it also comes with significant hazards. One of the most overlooked dangers is the risk of skin damage and disease from exposure to the sun and other elements. However, with the right precautions and protective gear, construction workers can protect their skin and minimize their risk of developing skin cancer and other skin conditions.

The first step in protecting your skin on the construction site is to be aware of the hazards. Construction workers are exposed to UV radiation from the sun, which can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. In addition, workers may come into contact with chemicals, cement, dust, and other materials that can irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), skin diseases and disorders are the most common occupational disease among construction workers.

To protect your skin, it is important to wear appropriate clothing and protective gear. This includes long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hats to cover exposed skin. Look for clothing that is made from lightweight, breathable materials that will keep you cool and comfortable on hot days. You can also choose clothing that is designed to block UV rays, such as UPF-rated shirts and hats. The American Cancer Society recommends wearing a wide-brimmed hat that covers the face, ears, and neck, and sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays.

In addition to clothing, construction workers should wear gloves to protect their hands from chemicals, rough surfaces, and other hazards. Look for gloves that are designed for the specific task you will be performing, such as cut-resistant gloves for handling sharp materials or chemical-resistant gloves for working with hazardous substances.

Purador Argan Oil for Hair

Sunscreen for Construction Workers

Another important factor in protecting your skin is to use sunscreen. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to all exposed skin, including your face, neck, and ears. Be sure to reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if you are sweating or swimming. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, and choosing a water-resistant formula if you will be sweating or swimming.

Construction workers should also take breaks and seek shade whenever possible. This will not only protect your skin from the sun, but it will also help prevent heat-related illnesses. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends taking frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas, and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.

It is also important to be aware of the signs of skin damage and disease. If you notice any changes in your skin, such as new moles or freckles, or if you experience itching, burning, or other symptoms, seek medical attention. Skin cancer is highly treatable when caught early, so it is important to be vigilant and take action if you notice any abnormalities.

In conclusion, protecting your skin on the construction site is crucial for your health and well-being. By wearing appropriate clothing and protective gear, using sunscreen, taking breaks in shaded areas, and being aware of the signs of skin damage and disease, you can

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Spring Tan Plan Tue, 03 May 2022 01:54:04 +0000

The evenings are getting longer and the weather warmer. Spring is in the air, and tanned skin is back in as we return to breezy seasonal dressing. But, as we’re becoming increasingly aware of, lying in the sun to obtain a natural tan is damaging to skin, with overexposure to harmful UV rays proven to cause premature ageing as well as increasing the risk of skin cancer. So what’s the alternative? To have a Spring self tan plan, of course.

You can tan on the down low with a clear formulation, the next-gen way to tan for Spring. The key difference between a clear tan and a traditional tan is that a traditional formulation contains a guide color, showing you where you’ve applied the tan. This guide color is what can typically transfer onto materials during development time – those who share a bed with someone who tans, will be all too familiar with this. A clear tan requires a little more accuracy upon application, with only a light sheen to show you where you’ve already applied.

But the benefits are worth the extra time taken to apply the product. As clear tan is invisible upon application, there’s no unpleasant transfer onto clothes or sheets during development time. Apply with a mitt day or night, and, while waiting for it to develop, get dressed, run errands and sleep in fresh bed sheets! Clear tan is an absolute must-have special occasions – brides, bridesmaids, prom queens and hens, each relish this type of formulation prior to their special occasion. For those last minute, white-outfit wearing situations, every fake tan fan should have a clear tan in their arsenal.

The demand for clear tan has risen dramatically in recent years, with tan fans requesting invisible formulations to suit their busy lifestyles. Clear tan also provides an easy entry point for those new to tanning, who may be seeking a more subtle product to get started with – guide colours provide an instant change in appearance that some may wish to avoid.

For a skin-loving solution, the Sienna X Self Tan Clear Water Mousse is your go-to. An advanced formula packed with Hyaluronic Acid, a star ingredient holding up to 1000x its own weight in water, and Aloe Vera to hydrate and nourish the skin, this 100% vegan product achieves a flawless bronze coverage while ensuring you stay in control of your shade.

The product is also available in Gradual and Ultra Dark variations, offering diversity in individual tanning preference for a truly bespoke glow. A tropical summer fragrance transports you to your dream holiday location, featuring fruity notes of Peach, Honey Blossom, Nectarine, Peru Balsam and Amber. It has sustainable credentials to feel good about too – the foamer pump contains 35% post-consumer recycled plastic, which would otherwise end up in landfill. The bottle and cap are also fully recyclable.

5 Common Acne Myths You Shouldn’t Believe Wed, 30 Jun 2021 21:34:56 +0000

Acne is one of the most common health conditions in the world. In fact, 80% of people from 11 to 30 years old will have some sort of acne breakout in their life — but it’s also very possible to experience blemishes even beyond that age range. With how widespread acne is, it’s not surprising that there are so many myths and misconceptions about it. Falling for these myths can make treating acne more complicated, or in some cases make it even worse. So to help you properly treat and avoid acne, here are some misconceptions you shouldn’t believe:

Myth #1: Stress causes acne

When you get stressed, do you ever notice that your skin gets stressed too? In reality, stress doesn’t directly cause acne. However, it can make existing acne worse. Plus, stress hormones can exacerbate your oiliness, which also leads to more acne. And if you’re tense, this can make wounds (including acne) heal much slower — thus allowing even more pimples to keep popping up before the old ones have had a chance to heal. To prevent this, try your best to relax and find time for rest — may it be through yoga or by indulging in hobbies.

Myth #2: Acne can go away on its own

Acne is totally normal, but it doesn’t mean it will just go away if you don’t do anything about it. Since it’s chronic, it may only get worse if you do not treat it immediately. For starters, make sure that you have a good skincare routine for acne, which should include staples such as a face wash, clarifying toner, and acne treatment. Salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and aloe vera are just some ingredients you should look out for, as these can clear pore congestion and calm inflammation. When in doubt, be sure to consult with a dermatologist who can help you create a foolproof treatment plan.

Infographic provided by Venus Treatments, experts in the technology behind the minimally invasive hair transplant

Myth #4: Constantly washing your face lessens breakouts

A common tip for acne prevention (and basic skincare) is to wash your face. While it’s certainly essential in removing dirt and oil from your pores, be careful not to overdo it. Washing too often can dry your skin and irritate your skin barrier, causing more breakouts. Generally, you should wash your face twice a day — once in the morning and once in the evening. Again, be sure to use a face wash that’s aimed at acne prevention.

Myth #5: Wearing makeup causes acne

This may be a surprise, but wearing lots of makeup doesn’t automatically mean you’re more prone to acne. It’s certainly good to let your skin breathe and not pile on too much makeup, but nowadays there are many non-comedogenic products. This means they’re specially formulated to not clog the pores — no matter how thick or creamy that foundation may be. Some makeup products even combine skincare and contain acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and resorcinol. At the end of the day, don’t forget to thoroughly remove your makeup!

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5 Foods You Need For Hair Skin And Nails Thu, 15 Aug 2019 05:51:38 +0000

When caring for your hair, it can be difficult to get the results you want but by caring for your hair both through using products and changing your diet, you can have the results you want to help combat common issues such as hair loss. However, some forms of hair loss cannot be resolved by changing your diet and methods such as a hair transplant procedure Turkey and PRP therapy can help to stimulate hair growth and keep your hair looking great all year round.

In this article, we will be giving you some insight into 5 foods that can help you maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.


Salmon is loaded with vitamin D and Protein that is perfect for your scalp and overall hair health. With a number of recipes including salmon, you can incorporate this in your diet to get the best possible outcome for your hair. By adding this food and a number of others to your everyday diet, alongside a hair care regimen, you can keep the scalp clean and promote growth over time.

Sweet Potatoes

Another food that is rich in beta-carotene to help both skin and hair is sweet potatoes. With a large number of nutrients packed inside, this food can be used in a number of recipes to keep your hair looking your best and keep your skin looking completely refreshed. Though this will take time to see any visible changes, this will be beneficial for you in the long term as it will increase blood flow and help to maintain vitamins and minerals in the body.


Jam-packed full of biotin and vitamin B eggs are the magic food that you need to care for your hair and add strength and shine to the hair. This food is the magic ingredient that you need to begin reversing the signs of hair loss and help to promote the hair growth that you need by replenishing the protein that is found in each hair. In addition to adding this into your diet, using egg within a shampoo or a hair mask can help to speed up the process and keep your hair looking stronger over the course of a few months.

Dark Chocolate

Another food that is well worth trying when caring for your hair is dark chocolate. This sweet treat is perfect for the skin and helps to keep you feeling great. In order to get the effects from the chocolate, you will need to find one that is over 75% cacao as this will have a higher concentration for better benefits. In addition to this, chocolate can be melted down or made into hot chocolate to give you amazing looking skin even in the winter months.


The final food that is highly beneficial for your hair is oats as they are a great source of protein and also carry a lot of fibre and antioxidants giving your cells the nutritional support that they need. This is crucial as this can help to increase the number of vitamins absorbed by the body as well as keep you feeling great in yourself. This is also great for helping you to lose weight as it is the perfect breakfast to fill you up substantially.

Whether you are looking to make changes immediately or are looking for a few simple steps in the right direction to get your hair looking healthy, you can get the results you need by changing your diet with the above few changes. Which will you try first?

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Probiotics Aren’t Just Another Skincare Fad – They Actually Can Give You Clear Skin Thu, 06 Jun 2019 11:29:53 +0000

The global skin care products market is believed to hit $177 billion by 2024, but what if something as simple as taking a probiotic could be all you need for radiant skin? You could ditch the expensive creams, lotions, and potions and save time on your intensive regime every day by going back to a basic cleansing and moisturizing regime while putting the focus on the health of your gut.

What are probiotics and how do they affect the skin?

Probiotics are microorganisms that are similar to the bacteria that naturally occur in your gut. They play an important role in numerous health functions, including aiding good digestion and supporting the immune system to fight off infection and illness. People take probiotics because the more good bacteria you have in your body, the less chance there is of bad bacteria taking over, leading to gastrointestinal problems.

But what’s all this got to do with the skin? Well, you can get skincare products with probiotics in to target specific skin conditions, but research is also showing that an increased amount of good bacteria in the gut supports a healthy immune system, helps to manage weight, improves mental health, and benefits the skin. Not only can probiotics improve the skin’s appearance, but it can also help specific skin conditions and has even been linked to reducing the chance of skin cancer.

How to consume probiotics

Adding certain foods and drinks to your diet for probiotics is fairly easy to do. Foods like yogurt, kimchi, tempeh, kombucha, and sauerkraut are good options. Fermented protein powders added to smoothies or shakes is an easy and healthy way to add probiotics. Daily supplements can be taken but you should start with low dosages to begin with as they can cause gas when too much is introduced at once.

Look at supplements that contain 10 to 15 billion CFU each day. You can also look for supplements that have certain strains of bacteria in if you’re trying to address a specific health issue, such as acne or eczema, but diverse ones are good for benefitting all areas of health.

Topical probiotics are the future

Topical probiotic skin care products are becoming more widely available, but research is still being done to see just how they benefit the skin. It’s believed that a barrier forms that stops bad bacteria getting into the skin, keeping it healthier, as well as triggering the production of natural moisturizers that are already in the skin. This essentially increases the balance of good bacteria, helping to fight off the bad that can cause things like acne, eczema, rosacea and numerous other common skin problems.

Potential side effects of probiotics

Most side effects of probiotics are minor and only affect a small percentage of the population, but it’s still important to be aware of them, just in case. That being said, some people with pre-existing conditions, such as a compromised immune system, can experience severe complications. The most commonly reported side effect is gas and bloating, which usually only lasts a few weeks at most before subsiding. Some people also experience headaches and migraines, and some strains of bacteria can increase the body’s histamine level, resulting in redness, swelling, and allergy-type symptoms.

Introducing probiotics to your diet is the best way to get all the benefits, but topical probiotics may suit some people better. Always gradually introduce how many probiotics you consume and stop if you get any adverse effects.

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Is It Safe To Dry Brush Your Face? Wed, 29 May 2019 05:30:33 +0000

Dry brushing is adored by celebrities and is most commonly used to target cellulite. However, the latest beauty trend involves dry brushing the face. Those that regularly dry brush their face say that they see all sorts of benefits, including healthier and younger looking skin. But is scrubbing your face with a brush really safe?

What is dry brushing?

Dry brushing involves a firm coarse brush being used in stroking motions on the skin. No water, creams, serums, or lotions are used. Instead, the brush does all the hard work. This process is said to improve circulation. In addition, dry brushing will exfoliate your skin, which is something everyone should be doing regularly to keep their skin in great condition.

How do you dry brush your face safely?

As the skin on your face is one of the most sensitive parts of your body, you’re probably wondering how to brush it without causing redness, acne flare-ups, and soreness. Dermatologist Stacy Chimento, MD, advises that you should dry brush your face no more than twice per week to prevent these issues occurring. She also recommends using gentle strokes on the face rather than the harsher ones you’d use on your thighs. But, most importantly, you should opt for the softest brush possible. This means that you’ll likely need two brushes; one for your body and for use on your face.

Facial dry brushing process

Tracey Woodward of Aromatherapy Associates suggests that a round brush works best on the face. For optimum benefits, you should start brushing in gentle strokes, working from the neck, up to the jawline, chin, and to the face. From there, work your way across your forehead. Woodward states that the whole process should take no more than three minutes.

What are the benefits of dry brushing your face?

When you dry brush your face it promotes lymphatic drainage. This helps to keep toxins at bay, eliminates puffiness and swelling, and encourages all-round healthy-looking skin on both the inside and out. What’s more, as dry brushing works as an exfoliator, it clears dirt, make-up, and other debris from your pores, allowing them to breathe. This can even reduce the likelihood of acne as blocked pores are a common cause of the condition.

Should I be concerned about dry brushing my face?

Whenever you dry brush your face, you run the risk of irritation and redness. By using delicate motions and a soft brush, you’ll minimize this risk, but you can reduce it further by moisturizing your skin immediately afterward too. If you have dry skin, it’s possible for dry brushing to dry it out even further and this can lead to soreness. Meanwhile, individuals who are prone to acne, eczema, and rosacea may find that dry brushing heightens their symptoms.

Dry brushing the face is one of the biggest beauty trends around at the moment, with multiple celebrities swearing by it. The good news is that so long as you’re cautious with your dry brushing technique, it’s safe to do it on your face. But, always keep an eye out for signs of irritation, so that you can put a stop to your beauty treatment promptly.

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Microdermabrasion VS Glycolic Peels: Is There Really Even a Difference? Mon, 20 May 2019 04:36:00 +0000

Every time we open our social media feeds, we are bombarded with a plethora of photos depicting the flawless complexions of models and celebs such as Miranda Kerr, Rihanna, and Katy Perry. Despite religiously cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, we never quite seem to get rid of our uneven skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles, and other blemishes standing between us and a radiant appearance of our own.

Thankfully, there are a number of professional treatments available that can boost the appearance of our skin significantly. Microdermabrasion and glycolic acid peels are two of the most popular methods – they’re used not only to combat the onset of age-related appearance issues but to give skin a general healthier appearance as well. As both treatments have very similar properties, it’s important to take a closer look at their likenesses and differences.

What are these treatments even used for?

Microdermabrasion is a versatile procedure that is most effective at treating superficial skin blemishes. It can remove the coarse, uneven skin texture caused by prolonged exposure to the sun and also reduce the appearance of minor acne scarring. Uneven skin tone can also be reduced by microdermabrasion as can fine lines and wrinkles. A glycolic peel can be used to eliminate rough, dry, skin, reverse some of the effects of sun damage, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. These peels work best on more serious skin problems such as deep wrinkles and a very uneven skin tone.

How do the processes differ?

Microdermabrasion is a completely non-evasive procedure that makes use of a special wand spraying very fine crystals onto the surface of the skin. The purpose of this is to remove the layer of dead cells that is present on the skin in order to reveal the smoother, more radiant-looking skin that is underneath. A glycolic peel is more invasive and uses glycolic acid (which is derived from sugarcane) to give the skin a deep exfoliation.

When applied to the skin, the glycolic acid binds with the ‘adhesive’ that holds dead skin cells on your skin, forcing it to fall away. This will reveal a new layer of sskin that is not only younger-looking, but more radiant in appearance as well.

There’s a difference in timing and commitment

Although the difference in the time it takes for each of the procedures to be completed is not enormous, it is worthy of a mention. Microdermabrasion generally takes between 30 minutes and an hour to complete and is generally performed every 2 to 3 weeks for optimal results. A glycolic peel itself, on the other hand, takes about 10 minutes to complete although it is often performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a facial. Peel treatments are delivered every 3 to 4 weeks for best results. While you may notice some immediate difference to your skin it may take up to 5 treatments (of either procedure) before a truly notable difference is observed.


Why not have the best of both worlds?

If comparing microdermabrasion and glycolic peels seems like too much hard work, you can always combine the treatments. Although this is a big decision that you can only make after consulting with a physician or skin care professional, the results may prove to be well worth the effort. The biggest advantage of combining these procedures is that it provides a penetration that is deeper than any treatment can offer on its own.

The skin is typically first exfoliated with the microdermabrasion before the glycolic peel is applied. As the combination of procedures increases the risk of hyperpigmentation, it is generally not advised for individuals with darker skin tones.

Both microdermabrasion and glycolic peels can be used with great effect. Even if you are familiar with your own skin type it is best to always seek out professional advice before making use of any skin care treatments, regardless of how safe they appear to be.

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5 Ways To Use Baby Oil In Your Beauty Routine Sat, 18 May 2019 12:13:54 +0000

Baby oil is a humble product that is typically 98% mineral oil and 2% fragrance, though it can be purchased as a 100% mineral oil. It’s often walked past and ignored as people make their way to the expensive shelves of chemical-containing skincare and beauty products. However, the benefits of baby oil are vast, varying from a hair conditioning treatment to a savvy shaving cream swap.

Baby Oil Cleansing

Baby oil is non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog your pores, so it’s often used as a base for a lot of expensive oil cleansers. You can use baby oil on its own to get the same great results and you’ll probably be surprised at just how much makeup and dirt comes off your face at the end of each day. You can add other oils to the baby oil based on your skin type and what it’s in need of, such as tea tree oil, which is antibacterial so it can prevent acne, or carrot seed essential oil for aging and sun damaged skin. All you need to do is apply a little of your baby oil or oil mix all over your face and gently massage it in circles, which will also help to clear pores. Massage for 2 to 5 minutes, then wipe off any excess with warm water on a clean cloth.

Eye makeup removal

For people with oily skin, it can be difficult to come to terms with covering your whole face with more oil, despite the benefits of baby oil. However, removing eye makeup can be difficult, particularly for waterproof products that can require a lot of scrubbing which should be avoided around such a delicate area. Apply some baby oil onto a makeup pad and gently wipe to remove mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and any other products. No harsh scrubbing needed.

Baby oil shaving ‘cream’

Using baby oil in place of expensive shaving creams is as simple as it sounds. Just put it on whichever body part you’re shaving and get to it. The added bonus to this is that is acts as a moisturizer for the top layers of skin as it’s an emollient. You can also add some essential oils for additional skin benefits, such as lavender oil or frankincense that are great for dry skin.

Clean and condition your makeup brushes

Professional makeup artists recommend conditioning makeup brushes no more than once every other week as it can make them too soft and difficult to use, but cleaning should be done weekly. Using baby oil can clean and condition your brushes at the same time, which is important for preventing a buildup of bacteria on them and keeping them soft enough, especially if they’re made from real hair. On the alternate weeks, it’s a good idea to use a regular brush cleaning product to keep them clean. All you need to do is apply a few drops of baby oil into your hand or a small container and swish your brush around on it to release any makeup that has built up and remove germs. Rinse with warm water and let them air dry, shaping the bristles first.

Baby oil as a deep conditioner for your hair

Baby oil is not only good for the skin, removing makeup and cleaning your makeup brushes, but it’s also great for your hair when it needs a bit of love and attention. Baby oil can make hair instantly softer, glossier and give it a healthy appearance. Apply a small amount to a makeup pad, tissue or cotton ball and let it absorb it. Rub it over your hair, focusing on the ends and let the oil soak into your hair. If you’re going to style it after, wait for a little while first to get the most benefits. Avoid putting baby oil directly onto your hair as it can weigh it down and make it look greasy.

There are many other uses for baby oil and it’s a great product to experiment with based on your skin, beauty routine and needs. It’s so versatile and inexpensive that everyone should have a bottle of it in their homes.

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Kombucha – More Than Just A Gut Healer, It Boosts Your Skin Fri, 17 May 2019 16:02:35 +0000

Kombucha has been all the rage for quite some time, with celebs like Lady Gaga, Kourtney Kardashian, and Zoe Kravitz touting its immense health benefits. While everyone’s favorite fermented tea drink is known to drastically improve gut health and even decrease your risk of infection, it has also become commonplace in skin care rituals. In fact, whether you drink kombucha on a regular basis or apply it topically, you can expect to see a great improvement in the overall health of your skin.

What exactly is kombucha?

Despite its recent spike in popularity, kombucha is by no means a new invention. It has, in fact, been around for more than 2,000 years. Kombucha can best be described as a fermented drink made from a symbiotic colony of yeast and live bacteria (also known as a SCOBY) and sweetened black or green tea. The SCOBY, which is often described as looking like a floating mushroom, breaks down the sugar in the tea to release the probiotics, which is believed to have incredible health benefits.

How does drinking kombucha help my skin?

It is no secret that there is a very strong relationship between gut and skin health. A simple imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in your gut can have a huge effect on your skin, causing nasty breakout and irritating dry (or oily) patches. As kombucha helps to keep your gut bacteria well-balanced, it also renders your skin healthier. Not only will drinking kombucha help you to actively address a range of common skin conditions, including acne, eczema, dermatitis and rosacea, but it will also leave you with a beautiful, glowing complexion thanks to its high levels of B-vitamins.

What about topical use?

Kombucha can be used topically in two ways. You can either apply the tea to your face like you would a cleanser or toner, or invest in a set of beauty products that contain the miracle brew. The low pH of kombucha (and kombucha vinegar in particular) makes it a natural astringent that can be used to disinfect and exfoliate all skin types. You can even go as far as to make your own kombucha face mask by blending together half a cup of SCOBY with a few tablespoons of kombucha tea, one raw egg, and a few drops of almond oil. Apply to your face, leave for between 5 and 15 minutes, and rinse off with luke-warm water before applying your favorite gentle moisturizer.

Is using kombucha-infused products worth the effort?

Cosmetic companies such as Oak Bay Naturals and emerginC have released a number of product lines that features kombucha as a key ingredient. As these products all require the use of some type of preservative in order to have an acceptable shelf-life, there will not be any live bacteria in them. They may, however, contain bacterial extracts that can be conducive to healthy skin while also combating common skin conditions, addressing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and leaving your skin looking radiant.

Kombucha undoubtedly has the potential to help transform your skin from drab to fab if used in conjunction with a healthy diet and good skin care regime. Although you may not see a difference immediately, a few days is all that is needed to notice small yet impressive differences to the general appearance of your skin.

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Everything You Need To Know About SilkPeel Facials Fri, 17 May 2019 15:25:34 +0000

SilkPeel facials can rejuvenate aging skin, are great for people with acne, and are so quick they can be done on your lunch break. SilkPeel facials, technically known as SilkPeel dermalinfusion microdermabrasion treatments, exfoliate the skin to remove old skin cells, unclog pores, and improve circulation, while a nourishing serum targets aging skin by hydrating it and delivering nutrients. When compared to traditional microdermabrasion treatments, SilkPeel facials are superior, as they exfoliate and nourish in one treatment, while being less abrasive. They’re a non-invasive, painless treatment that offers quick results.

How do SilkPeel facials work?

SilkPeel facials use a machine-operated skin exfoliating treatment. It has an exfoliating diamond treatment head that is connected to a closed-loop vacuum system so that it safely exfoliates the skin while delivering a topical, nourishing serum solution to the upper layers at the same time. It’s a non-invasive treatment that can be done on almost any type of skin, usually takes 30-60 minutes, and can be repeated every 3 to 4 weeks for best results. SilkPeel facials are particularly good for people with acne, acne scarring, skin discoloration, and fine lines and wrinkles. It can also reduce damage done by the sun, such as age spots and hyperpigmentation. People can get back to their normal routine straight after, but it’s recommended that sunscreen is used vigilantly to protect the new skin cells following the removal of the top ones.

Great for people with acne

If pores are clogged, many acne skin care products won’t work as effectively as they could, as the skin is prevented from absorbing them. SilkPeel facials exfoliate these clogged pores, which helps to remove sebum from them, a common cause of acne, and allow for better absorption of topical acne products, as well as reducing pore size over time. In addition to this, simply keeping pores clean can significantly improve mild to moderate acne. SilkPeel facials can also benefit people with acne scarring, as they help to encourage growth of new skin cells.

Rejuvenate skin and improve complexion

What SilkPeel facials do is essentially buff the skin by gently removing old skin cells. The serum used has anti-aging properties that can add hydration to the skin and provide nourishment. This helps to regenerate the outer layers of the skin, resulting in reduced pore size and an improved appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. SilkPeel facials use a dermal infusion serum treatment that contains powerful anti-aging ingredients to improve the signs of aging. Combined with exfoliating, this results in skin that can accelerate its healthy cell turnover and an increased blood flow to the top layers of the skin, further promoting healthy skin cells. The diamond treatment head used to exfoliate helps to give a balanced and radiant complexion.


A typical SilkPeel facial appointment

For the best results, technicians should begin by preparing the skin with a deep cleansing of the skin, followed by a clarifying mask that is applied for a few minutes to help draw impurities out of the skin. While this is on, a deep massage will be done to the face and neck. The SilkPeel treatment is then applied using a customized serum to suit each person’s skin. This takes about 15 minutes. Next, topical vitamins and minerals are applied to the skin, followed by a layer of sunscreen. In total, this takes 50-60 minutes, but can be done in as little as 30 minutes if the extras are skipped and just the SilkPeel facial is done.

How much do SilkPeel facials cost?

Prices vary depending on location, but people can expect to pay around $125 per treatment. However, some places will offer a discount when several treatments are booked at once, as this offers the best results. It’s possible to find cheaper options, but it’s important to go with experienced and trained technicians who can customize the nourishing treatment serum specifically to their patients, the current condition of their skin and what their individual goals are.

SilkPeel facials are great for aging and acne-prone skin, as well as for anyone who wants to improve their overall complexion and the health of their skin.

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