News | Your Skin Online Better Skin - Your Skin! Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:32:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 122115883 Enhance Your Natural Beauty with Non-Surgical Facial Fillers Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:32:00 +0000

Fillers are natural or synthetic materials that look and feel like human tissue. As a result, they usually carry fewer risks than surgical procedures involving incisions and tissue removal. Fillers may last months to years, depending on the product used and the desired outcome.

Facial Fillers are a popular beauty treatment available for those who want to restore or enhance their facial features without the risks associated with surgery. They consist of substances injected into and around the face, neck, and hands to improve wrinkles and fine lines, reduce scarring, and fill out sunken areas of the face. It can also augment specific facial features like lips or cheeks.

What are Face Fillers?

Face fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are injectable treatments that add volume and fullness to the face. These treatments can effectively improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and enhance features such as the lips, cheeks, and jawline.

One of the most popular types of facial fillers is made from hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance found in the body that helps to keep the skin hydrated and plump. These fillers are often used for lip augmentation and smoothing out wrinkles and lines around the mouth and nose.

Are Face Fillers Safe?

The safety of injectable procedures like facial fillers is a major issue for many people. While face fillers are safe and effective in many cases, It is critical to understand the procedure’s potential risks and side effects.
One of the most famous face fillers is made from hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in the body. These fillers are considered safe, as the body can break down the hyaluronic acid over time. They also tend to have a low complication rate.

Benefits of Face Fillers

  • Improved Appearance

    One of the main benefits of face fillers is improving the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. These wrinkles and lines can appear due to aging, sun exposure, and other factors. Face fillers can effectively fill in wrinkles and lines, giving the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance.

  • Enhanced Features

    Face fillers can also enhance and define facial features such as the lips, cheeks and jawline. For example, it can plump up thin lips, add volume to the cheeks, and limit the jawline. As a result, it can give the face a more balanced and defined look, making it appear more youthful.

  • Non-surgical Option

    Face fillers are a non-surgical option for enhancing the appearance of the face. Unlike surgical procedures, face fillers do not require incisions or general anesthesia. Therefore, it makes it a less invasive choice for those who want to enhance their appearance but are still waiting for surgery.

  • Long-lasting Results

    The results of face fillers can last for several months to a couple of years, depending on the type of filler and the area of the face where it is used. Therefore, it can provide a long-term solution for those looking to enhance their appearance. However, repeat treatments are needed to maintain the desired results.

  • Side Effects

    The procedure for receiving face fillers is relatively simple, with minimal side effects. Most people experience mild side effects such as redness, swelling, or tenderness at the injection site, which typically resolve within a few days. There is also minimal downtime associated with the procedure, allowing people to return to normal activities shortly after receiving the treatment.

The Procedure
  • What to Expect

    The procedure for receiving face fillers is relatively simple and can be performed in a doctor’s office or clinic. A qualified healthcare professional will use a small needle to inject the stuffing into the desired area of the face. The procedure typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes. The healthcare professional will generally use a numbing cream or ice to minimize discomfort, although some may experience mild or slight pinching.

  • Post-procedure Care

    It’s important to adhere to any post-procedure care instructions given by the medical professional after obtaining face fillers. Typically, this will include avoiding strenuous exercise, alcohol consumption, and excessive sun exposure for the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. In addition, they may advise you to avoid sleeping on your face for the first few days or use a unique pillow if necessary. Finally, the healthcare professional will provide you with specific instructions on caring for yourself following the treatment.

  • Results

    The results of face fillers are typically visible immediately after the procedure. Some mild swelling, redness or bruising may occur, but these side effects usually resolve within a few days. The full effects of the treatment may not be seen for a few days or weeks, since the filler will keep working over the next few days and may lead to even better results. Face fillers can last for several months to several years, depending on the type of filler used and the area of the face where it is used.

  • Conclusion

    Facial fillers are a popular non-surgical option for improving the appearance of the face by adding volume and fullness. A naturally occurring substance in the body, hyaluronic acid (HA), is used to make the most popular facial fillers.These fillers are regarded as safe because hyaluronic acid can be broken down by the body over time. The procedure’s effects usually last several months to a few years; repeat treatments are required to maintain the desired results. It’s important to remember that safety is always the most important thing, and you need to talk to a doctor to find out if face fillers are right for you..

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Why It Is Dangerous to Wax Your Nose Hairs Mon, 06 Apr 2020 11:45:45 +0000

Do you want people to see an unkempt old man when they look at your face? Probably not. Yet, that’s what we think we look like when our nose hair starts to get a bit long. Your first instinct may be to eradicate them with nose waxing, but below, we will look at why that may not be the best solution.

The Nose Waxing Craze

The idea of nose waxing really came to mainstream prominence when a beauty vlogger created a viral video of her nose getting waxed. You can see the pained participant’s eyes water as the aesthetician yanks out the offending hairs. Most of us can’t help but sneeze watching it. In the wake of the video, many experts have weighed in about why waxing your nose is a terrible idea. And, it’s not just because of the incredible pain you inflict on yourself with such treatment. There are actually prospective health problems you are putting yourself at risk for. Similar to how makeup can clog our pores, ripping out our nose hairs can lead to infections, a weakened immune system and sometimes even worse.

What the Experts Say About Nose Hair Trimming

In an interview with, a rhinologist at James Paget University Hospital, Dr. Carl Philpott, pointed out that the nose hairs play a crucial role in our health. Specifically, they serve as a bit of a wall between dirt from our environment and our nostrils. They make sure we are not taking in harmful particles when we breathe.

Another expert, Dr. Richard Leinhardt, the chief of ear, nose, and throat and facial plastic surgery at the Manhattan Eye and Throat Hospital told Allure that waxing your nose hairs can lead to infection. And, there is a massive bacterial population that is waiting to get under the surface of your skin. When bacteria that shouldn’t get into your blood does get in there, you are leaving yourself open to a number of health issues.

best nose hair trimmer

Best Nose Hair Trimmer

If you’ve decided that plucking or waxing your nose hairs probably isn’t the best idea you’re most likely now wondering what the best nose hair trimmer is. One thing to make of is that the nose hair trimmer is angled so that you’re not constantly trying to rub it against your face to properly trim the hairs in your nose. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure the nose hair trimmer you are going to buy is fully washable – nobody wants to keep their snot on their trimmer!

Nose hair trimmers do come in a range of shapes and sizes to suit different purposes. There are portable models on the market, ideal if you’re often traveling for work or pleasure. There are also multi-purpose trimmers which also double up for trimming other areas including nose hair and even shaping your beard or mustache. Dependent on the specific task in hand, you can choose a trimmer which suits your needs.

Whatever you’re looking for in a nose hair trimmer, it will need to have some basic features to ensure it is as safe and effective as possible.

When looking for a new trimmer you should make sure to look out for blade construction. Most trimmers come with a carbon coated steel or silver blade, which ensures the cleanest and most efficient cut. Catching a nose hair is an extremely painful experience you won’t want to go through more than once!

Similarly, most guys want a trimmer which is waterproof so it can be used in the bath or shower, or at least kept safely in the bathroom. Other features which people look for include built-in LED lighting, washable blade heads than can be easily removed and a sleek, ergonomic design which is comfortable while in use and easy to store too.
Nose hair trimmers come in at a wide range of different prices and you can find them to suit almost every budget.

Is Plucking Nose Hairs a Better Option?

It may be common knowledge that the best way to get rid of your nose hairs is to pluck them. However, common knowledge is often wrong. In fact, Dr. Leinhardt notes that any treatment that removes the hair follicle completely will leave you open to infections. This includes plucking.

Otolaryngologist Dr. Erich Voigt splits hairs and notes that you are most likely to pluck at the front hose hairs. These are the ones that do the work of blocking off larger particles. Particles and germs near the follicles can sneak inside when you pluck the front hairs. Dr. Voigt points out that the veins that carry blood from the nose meet up with blood leaving the brain. If the germs make it up to the brain, you are looking at meningitis or brain abscess.

As you can see, waxing, or even just plucking, your nose hairs is not a good idea. Instead, invest in a good trimmer, and your immune system will thank you. Additionally, if you find that your nose hairs are making your nose itch, you may wish to try chia oil to help nourish your nose hairs and make them softer. While your nose hairs may be in an unsightly spot, it is important to remember that the hair in your nose is just the same as it is everywhere else on your body!

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How A Humidifier Can Improve And Beautify Your Skin Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:10:38 +0000

Next to acne, having dry skin is one of the most common skin conditions that affect Americans. This skin problem is most prevalent in the winter, impacting roughly two-thirds or 65% of the population, according to a recent survey. As a result, the market is flooded with different types of moisturizers, creams, emulsions, masks, lotions, and serums, all promising to give you healthy, hydrated skin.

Those who are experiencing tight, itchy, and flaky skin have turned to these products for relief, and in 2017, it was recorded that 24.17 million individuals used facial moisturizer 14 times or more within a week. But if you want a better solution to address your skin condition, you may want to consider using a humidifier to hydrate your skin from within. If this device is currently collecting dust and cobwebs in your home, clean it and bring it out now—you’ll want to use it after learning how a humidifier can improve and beautify your skin.

homsay humidifier

Best Humidifier to Buy

The range of humidifiers on the market can make finding the right one for your skin difficult. However, they come at a range of price points so you can consider your budget when looking at the options available. When looking to buy the best humidifier for your needs, keep in mind what you are expecting to get from your new gadget. It has the potential to improve your skin and improve the hydration of your body overall.

Humidifiers come in different models and your requirements will influence the choice you make. For example, smaller portable humidifiers are a great choice for anybody who is frequently on the go, travels for business and needs access to an effective humidifier that can easily be packed. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a device to use just at home there are larger all-in-one humidifier units which can sit on your dressing table or bedside cabinet. There are humidifiers specifically designed for use in the bedroom as well as those which need their filters changing, which could be something you’re hoping to avoid, to keep the use of the product as simple as possible. The more questions you ask yourself before buying your humidifier will help ensure you buy the right one for your needs.

Some humidifiers come with additional functions too. There are dual-use humidifier and oil diffuser units which have become particularly popular and can bring the relaxing benefits of essential oils as well as the beautifying benefits of a humidifier for your skin. Other considerations you might have could include energy efficiency, noise the unit makes when in use and general design. Some humidifiers on the market do have a clinical appearance which you may want to avoid but there are plenty of sleek modern designs too. The wide range of high quality humidifiers means there is an option for everyone.

Humidifiers are Not Just for Allergies

Humidifiers release steam into the air to make it easier to breathe in during the cold months. This is why those with allergic rhinitis can’t imagine living without one as this device is often used to treat the symptoms of this condition by improving nasal congestion and irritation. But apart from being a tried-and-tested way to manage allergies, having a humidifier in your home can also help to keep your skin moisturized, which can result in younger-looking skin.

How Humidifiers Work to Improve Your Skin

You don’t have to wait for winter to use a humidifier to protect your skin. If you live in low-humidity cities such as Las Vegas or Phoenix, using the device can help to soothe your chapped lips and parched complexion. As it adds moisture to the air, it can make your skin feel better by easing the tightness or itchiness associated with dry skin. Moreover, it helps to keep the skin’s moisture barrier hydrated, even while you sleep.

Board certified dermatologist Ava Shamba spoke with Teen Vogue, explaining how using a humidifier can beautify the skin. The expert said that as steam can open pores to let water back into the skin, it can result in skin that has “a beautiful sheen to it.”

Meanwhile, Park Avenue dermatologist Neal Schultz told You Beauty that a humidifier can possibly help to plump up the skin to improve wrinkles. However, the expert says that it may take high levels of moisture in the air to make this happen.

“For it to get that high, you’d probably be uncomfortable and your sheets would be damp,” said Schultz. “So theoretically, yes, but practically, we’ll pass on that.”

What Type Of Humidifier Should You Get for Your Skin?

If you have yet to get this device for your bedroom or your home, you may be confused as to whether to pick a warm or cool mist humidifier. Most experts recommend a cool mist humidifier to soothe dry skin. Keeping the heat low or at a moderate temperature can also help to avoid increasing the dryness in the air. Remember to use distilled water whenever you’re using the device and give it a thorough cleaning every few days to keep it free from mold and bacteria.

Try These Tips To Hydrate Your Dry Skin with a Humidifier

While using a humidifier can be a low maintenance way to have beautiful skin, having a good skincare routine is also key to getting that gorgeous glow. Use a moisturizing facial wash to cleanse your skin in the morning, then follow with a hydrating toner, essence, and moisturizer before smoothing on your sunscreen or before makeup application.

At night, do a double cleanse by using an oil-based cleanser, then follow with a foaming facial wash. Apply toner, essence, and moisturizer. If your skin is feeling especially dry, try using a sleeping mask, which is usually thicker and richer than a night cream. What it does is it moisturizes all the dry patches on your skin so you wake up with a refreshed and glowing complexion.

Having dry skin can be a bother, but it can be managed. Apart from having a good skincare routine and using moisturizing products, try using a humidifier to improve and protect your skin. You can enjoy having healthy, radiant, and glowing skin all throughout the year.

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Should You Use Lemon Juice To Brighten Or Lighten Your Skin? Mon, 06 Apr 2020 04:08:26 +0000

When it comes to skincare, people want the most effective ingredients that yield immediate or noticeable results. This is especially true when it comes to skin lightening, and although Western beauty standards lean towards tanned skin, in Asia and certain parts of Africa, it’s all about having a fairer complexion. In 2017, the worldwide skin lightening market was worth $4.8 billion and is expected to grow to $8.9 billion by 2027, proving that many individuals all over the world are turning to skin lightening or bleaching creams to get a lighter skin tone. However, as many lightening creams contain potentially harmful ingredients such as mercury and hydroquinone, some people who want to have a porcelain-like glow are now turning to natural remedies to lighten their skin, such as lemon juice.

Lemon juice has long been touted as a natural way to achieve lighter and brighter skin, but is it safe to use on a regular basis? Moreover, can it cause skin problems in the long run? Here’s what you to need to know about using lemon juice to achieve fairer skin.

How Lemon Juice’s High Acidity Can Hurt Your Skin

Though DIY skincare is all the rage nowadays, it’s crucial to know that applying pure lemon juice to your skin may do more harm than good. First of all, lemon juice is highly acidic at about 2 pH, and anything that is too acidic—be it an organic or commercially-available skincare or beauty product—can have a negative impact on the skin.

On “Ask A Scientist,” expert Jim Swenson said that acids with pH levels of 3 and below can be very irritating to the skin.

“Lemon juice has a pH of roughly 2.3,” said Swenson. “You could wet a spot on your arm with that, let it dry, and in a little while, it will itch.”

Once it’s applied topically, lemon juice can alter the natural pH level of your skin’s acid mantle, resulting in hyperpigmentation and skin irritation.

Does Lemon Juice Work To Whiten Skin?

If you’re wondering if lemon juice really works to lighten skin, the answer is yes, it does, but it takes time to achieve noticeable results. Citrus fruits such as lemons are packed with Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which can naturally exfoliate skin, resulting in a fresher and lighter-looking complexion. However, it can take several months of repeated use to notice a marked change in skin pigmentation, and during this time, it’s possible to experience side effects that range from minor skin rashes to more serious skin conditions.

It Can Cause Chemical Burns

Lemon juice might be all-natural, but being natural doesn’t mean that it won’t cause you any harm. This citrus juice can actually make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, and it can cause blistering and irritation. If you happen to have acne, it may even worsen your skin condition. Moreover, its acidic properties can cause chemical burns—you’ll know that you have a lemon juice-induced burn if your skin is reddened and feels painful even without applying pressure to it.

Safer And More Effective Ways To Lighten And Brighten Your Skin

If you want to have lighter or brighter skin, there are other things that you can do that won’t harm your health or your complexion. Soaps, creams, or lotions that contain glutathione may be better for your skin as our bodies naturally produce this antioxidant. Increasing your glutathione levels can also help to get glowing and even-toned skin. You can do this by increasing your Vitamin C intake, or adding selenium-rich foods to your diet, such as beef, cottage cheese, and brown rice.

If you want faster results, you can consult your dermatologist for professional whitening treatments—discuss several options to know what’s right for you. Having beautiful, fairer, and glowing skin can also be achieved with the help of a licensed aesthetician, but make sure that you go to one who specializes in skin lightening to get the best results.

Resources & Further Reading

1. Skin-lightening creams are dangerous – yet business is booming. Can the trade be stopped?, The Guardian,

2. Can Lemon Juice Really Lighten Skin, Bellatory,

3. PH Effects On Skin, Livestrong,

4. Lemon Juice And Acne: A Deadly Topical Treatment Which Burns And Irritates Human Skin, Super Natural Acne Treatment,

5. 10 Natural Ways To Increase Your Glutathione Levels, Healthline,

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Pussycat Dolls’ Nicole Scherzinger Unveils Toned Figure In Sheer Body Suit Thu, 02 Jan 2020 22:05:46 +0000

Nicole Scherzinger, 41, sent the X Factor audience wild in a PVC bikini and sheer bodysuit as she joins her girl group to debut their single ‘React’ in the British talent show ahead of their 2020 Unfinished Business reunion tour.

The group, clad in very daring and revealing outfits performed some of their hit medleys on the X Factor stage in a sensational, albeit, controversial piece.

Their first performance after they went their separate ways in 2010 sparked 419 complaints in Ofcom from viewers who were not impressed with their ‘raunchy’ costumes and dance moves.

Although many argued that their performance is not fit for a primetime television show, many can’t help but gush and wonder about the secret behind Nicole’s stunning face and figure that makes her look at least ten years younger than her 41 years, possibly thanks to a first aid beauty review.

Soul Cycle and Viking Method

In an article with Women’s Health, Nicole lists some of her favorite work out regimens that keep her extremely fit.

“In a typical workout, I would run on the treadmill maybe 20 minutes, then try to do some squats, some sit-ups on the exercise ball, some yoga stretches.

Although when I’m home, I like to take a spinning class called Soul Cycle, or I want to do hot yoga – a modified version of Bikram yoga – or hiking, and core power yoga in LA.”

In the UK, Nicole is also a big fan of Viking Method trainer Svava Sigbertsdottir. “I love Svava’s technique. With me, she does a combination of her functional training, martial arts, and ballet isolation exercises. In all my years of training, the Viking Method is unlike anything I have ever done.” Remember, there’s more to a great body than just skin care products!

Four-hour hikes and a not-so strict diet

After falling ‘ill’ from filming the X-Factor last year, she traveled to a health retreat in Malibu where she went for demanding and “very disciplined” four-hour hikes. “I swear those mountains just kept growing every time I got to the top or turned a corner,” Nicole joked.

Even though she is very disciplined about her workout regimen, she is not afraid to indulge in her favorite foods.
“When I’m going to indulge, I love pasta, pizza, I love Mexican with lots of cheese. I love French fries, or crisps – salt and vinegar crisps. In terms of snacks: almonds, coconut water, bits of coconut, baby carrots.”

She admitted that she has a very sweet tooth and has a soft spot for desserts and chocolates but also believes that chips and cheese are binge-worthy foods. “You have your days where you have your fish and chips,” she tells Netdoctor. “You want your Sunday roast with extra gravy – go for it on that Sunday!”

The secret, she believes, is finding a balance in your meals and eating in moderation. “I believe in being healthy and having a healthy appetite. I love to eat all my meals,” she says. When she’s not on a ‘cheat day,’ she feasts on nutritious foods: soft-boiled eggs, toast, and smoked salmon for breakfast; cold cuts, veggies, and fruit for lunch; and chicken or fish with rice and veg for dinner. Most other celebrities agree, even the best skincare products in the world are no replacement for fundamentals!

Coconut oil and $1,400 blood moisturizers

The singer’s glowing and younger-looking skin exudes an effortless glamour that she rocks well, but Nicole says she avoids the sort of fad trends that are loved by fellow celebs like the Kardashians.

“I wash my face in the morning and use lots of moisturizers. Then at night, I wash again, use toner, serum, and eye cream. I have very sensitive skin, so I tend to stick to what works for me. I always drink a lot of water and stay hydrated,” she confides when asked about her beauty routine.

She is also very loyal to coconut oil, which is a staple in her skincare. “It can be used for almost everything. There are hundreds of uses for it. Google it: you’ll thank me later.” Although her skincare products seem very regular, her skincare budget stretches into the thousands – her most jaw-dropping purchase being a $1,400 Barbara Sturm moisturizer made with her BLOOD.

‘This is my moisturizer, which they took my blood and created,” she explains in a YouTube tour of her bathroom. “It’s not bloody or anything,’ she says, insisting it keeps you looking ‘youthful.’

A boob job and surgery rumors

Even Nicole, with her fantastic figure and glamorous face, is not exempt from cosmetic surgery gossips that are common among celebrities.

Rumors about how she had gone “under the knife” to enhance her natural beauty are aplenty. Although Nicole has consistently denied ever having plastic surgery, or even using Botox, the idea had continued to circulate. Commentators have also suggested that she’s had several procedures including a boob job, rhinoplasty to slim down her nose and lip fillers to plump up her pout.

She insists her fresh-face is down to lots of sleep and drinking copious amounts of water, at least two liters per day. Nicole’s spokesperson also tried to dispel the boob job rumor by saying that “Nicole is lucky to be blessed with amazing genes and is just getting hotter as she gets older.”

foods for great celebrity skin

Nicole Scherzinger’s Battle with bulimia

This healthier and more confident version of Nicole has not always been the case. She struggled with her poor body image and unhealthy weight obsession even during the height of the Pussycat Dolls’ fame.

In the August 2014 issue of British Cosmopolitan, she opened up about her private “paralyzing” struggle with bulimia in her 20s that went on for eight years until a life-changing event on one of her tours forced her to face her problems.

“I had started losing my voice, I couldn’t sing at shows, and then I remember my manager finding me passed out on the floor in Malta or the south of France,” she says. “I thought, ‘I’m going to lose everything I love if I don’t love myself.’” She had come far from that insecure and broken woman and had been speaking out about her painful history to show others with a similar struggle that there is light on the other side.

Love and Acceptance

Nicole says that despite all her skincare, diets, and workout routines, the best advice she has ever received was living and accepting herself.

“Love and accept yourself. Get lots of sleep – sleep really makes such a huge difference. Drink lots of water. Don’t deprive yourself of anything because eventually, you’ll crave it, and then you might binge on it. Everything in moderation.”

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How to Save Money on Skin Care Mon, 16 Dec 2019 22:04:51 +0000

From face wash and toners to serums and eye creams, the average American woman uses a minimum of 16 skincare products a day. Using 16 of anything on a daily basis adds up quickly not only in terms of clogged pores but also financially.

Saving Money on Skin Care

A 2017 study by SkinStore revealed that the average woman spends $8 a day on skin care. That’s nearly $3,000 a year. Do a quick Google search for the most expensive skincare product and you’ll find that 111Skin Celestial Black Diamond Cream costs a whopping $1,095. Yikes.

So, why do we spend so much money on skin care?

Some boil it down to sexy packaging. Others say its empty promises. In large part, experts advise consumers to look for evidence before splurging on the latest anti-aging cream. Trustworthy brands will conduct clinical trials and consumers can do their own research by looking up the active ingredients in a product. Before you buy, find out if there’s enough evidence that the active ingredient works the way it’s being marketed.

However, amid the wrinkle creams and face masks, there are some skincare products that you actually need and those come with a price tag, too. Take a look at the retail costs of some commonly prescribed skincare products:

  • Absorica costs $2,745
  • Tazorac costs $332
  • Retin-A costs $97

Fortunately, you can lower your out-of-pocket costs for prescription skincare products in just a few steps. First, you can request a generic. Generic medication is almost always cheaper than brand names with virtually no difference in efficacy. Here are the average retail costs of the generic versions of the products above:

  • Generic Absorica (Isotretinoin) costs $359
  • Generic Tazorac (tazarotene) costs $281
  • Generic Retin-A (tretinoin) costs $57

Always ask a pharmacist to compare the retail cost of a generic drug to your insurance copay. In many instances, the cost with insurance could still be higher than the cost without insurance.

For further savings, you can use a prescription discount card, like a SingleCare savings card. Prescription discount cards are not a replacement for health insurance but rather a free coupon that any and all customers can use to lower the cash price of their medication.

When most people hear “free” in regards to anything related to healthcare, they automatically think “scam.” So, is SingleCare a scam? Fortunately not. SingleCare is legit. It partners with 35,000 pharmacies—including big players like CVS and Walgreens—to help customers save up to 80% on 50,000 prescription drugs. Here’s a SingleCare review from customer Tressie Timerman on Facebook:

“I saved last night when I used the card for the first time at Walmart. Retin-A isn’t covered on my insurance so instead of paying $295 cash price, I paid $155 using your discount card. Thank you!”

You can find more SingleCare reviews around the web, on TrustPilot, and social media.

Here’s a quick recap of our tips for saving money on skin care:

  1. Narrow down your skincare products to the essentials. Find out what actually works and keep only what you really need.
  2. Ask for a generic version of your prescription skincare medicine.
  3. Compare the retail price of your prescription drug to your insurance copay. Choose the cheaper of the two.
    If your insurance copay is still too high, use a prescription discount card for a bigger discount.
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Hemorrhoid Cream for Pregnancy Tue, 19 Nov 2019 21:00:22 +0000

This post includes products from one of our advertisers. We may receive compensation when you click on links to those products. believes in giving 100% honest reviews and feedback to benefit our readers, and advertiser compensation is used to keep this site open!

Between 25% and 35% of pregnant women will experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The good news is that this painful condition is harmless to a mother’s unborn baby, but due to the discomfort it causes, most pregnant women will seek out treatment. The most popular treatment for hemorrhoids is topical cream, but like many other over-the-counter medications, only some are suitable for pregnant women. But which ones are they and is topical cream the best solution for both you and your unborn baby?

Hemorrhoid Cream During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the growing weight of your baby pushes your uterus up into your abdomen and weighs it down. The sheer weight of your uterus during this time puts pressure on the veins in and around the anus and, for many women, results in hemorrhoids – or piles – occurring. These piles cause swelling, itching, and inflammation that leads to pain and discomfort. As it’s the growing weight within the uterus that leads to hemorrhoids in pregnancy, they usually don’t occur until later on in the pregnancy and are most commonly experienced in the second or third trimester. With typical pregnancy pain and fatigue already getting you down, the last thing you need is to feel any more pain, so many women will seek out hemorrhoid cream and other remedies to help alleviate their condition.

But even if you’ve escaped hemorrhoids throughout the entire nine months of your pregnancy, you could develop them afterward. Women who have had a vaginal delivery are more susceptible to postnatal hemorrhoids than those who have had a C-section, and they don’t always go away quickly. Research shows that 25% of mothers with postnatal hemorrhoids still have them six months after giving birth. Again, these women can benefit from using hemorrhoid cream to help clear up their condition.

Safe Hemorrhoid Cream During Pregnancy

When it comes to using hemorrhoid cream during pregnancy, some caution should be taken. Before you apply any hemorrhoid cream to the affected area, make sure you read the directions and look for information regarding whether the product is cited as being safe to use in pregnancy both on the packet and online. If it warns against using it while pregnant, make sure you don’t as this could cause complications as your pregnancy progresses. Even if the cream says that it is suitable for use by pregnant women, it is advisable to seek confirmation from your doctor, midwife, or obstetrician first.

Which Hemorrhoid Cream is Safe During Pregnancy?

The most common type of cream used to treat hemorrhoids is a hydrocortisone based one. Hydrocortisone cream is a mild steroid corticosteroid that works to treat inflammation of the skin. These medications are available both over the counter and on prescription. Typically, over the counter hydrocortisone creams are up to 1% in strength, whereas, prescription creams come in strengths up to 2.5%. In most cases, over the counter hydrocortisone creams are effective enough to tackle pregnancy-related hemorrhoids.

There are multiple hydrocortisone creams that can be used if absolutely needed in pregnancy. However, the general advice is that safer treatment options, such as warm baths, and upping your fiber intake should be utilized first. Over the counter and prescription creams should only be used under the strict guidance of a medical professional and the risks should always be carefully considered before hydrocortisone creams are administered during pregnancy. Ovia Health states that the hemorrhoid cream Preparation H is generally safe in pregnancy. However, Anusol HC, a 1% hydrocortisone that is readily available in pharmacies, states ‘Do not use in pregnancy or breastfeeding due to ‘inadequate evidence of safety in human pregnancy and there may be a very small risk of cleft palate and intrauterine growth retardation as well as suppression of the neonatal HPA axis.’

An alternative treatment option for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy is Sudocrem. Sudocrem is a mild antiseptic that you will need plenty of pots of when your baby is born as it’s great at healing a nappy rash. But many pregnant women swear it helps to clear up hemorrhoids, too. Although Sudocrem isn’t cited as a type of hemorrhoid cream, its antiseptic properties can help to soothe and heal the affected area. But, be warned, this cream can be messy, so it’s worth using a panty liner to protect your clothing.

Ready to Find Relief?

Can You use Hemorrhoid Cream while Pregnant?

It’s understandable that pregnant women with hemorrhoids will want a quick-fix solution to get rid of them as quickly as possible. However, before you reach for hemorrhoid cream, it’s worth considering and trying out some other remedies – especially as some of them have proved to be more effective at treating hemorrhoids. One study, for example, found that sitz baths cleared up hemorrhoids in 100% of pregnant women. The same study found that hemorrhoid cream effectively treated 84.8% of pregnant women. As a sitz bath is usually more convenient and easier to do then applying creams, it’s certainly worth a try.

Other hemorrhoid relief options include using witch hazel soaked pads, stool softeners, and Rhoid Balm. Motherlove’s Rhoid Balm is made from 100% USDA Certified Organic ingredients and is considered safe for use by pregnant women. But if you don’t want to take the risk of using topical creams while you’re pregnant, increasing your fluid intake, applying ice to the affected area, getting up and moving around frequently to avoid putting additional pressure on the area, and gently pushing the hemorrhoids back into place can all help to alleviate the pain and discomfort you’re feeling.

Pregnancy Hemorrhoid Cream

While there isn’t a specific brand of hemorrhoid cream that is formulated especially for pregnant women, there are multiple brands that pregnant women with the condition may wish to consider. These include:

  • Anusol HC
  • Anugesic HC
  • Germaloids HC
  • Perinal
  • Procosedyl

  • Uniroid
  • Xyloproct
  • Proctofoam
  • Preparation H lists a total of 81 different hemorrhoid creams and also states their pregnancy category. It’s highly recommended that you review the pregnancy category of any drug you’re thinking about taking or using during pregnancy, including hemorrhoid creams. Ideally, you want to choose drugs that fall under category A as this means human studies have failed to find any risk of using the drug on an unborn fetus. Disappointingly, none of the 81 creams assessed by fall within category A, but there are multiple creams that are category B – the next safest category. These include:

  • Lidocaine
  • Xylocaine jelly
  • AneCream
  • RectiCare

  • CidalEaze
  • Lidopac
  • Lidopin
  • Lidozol

Category B means that animal reproduction studies haven’t found any risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies to assess the risk in pregnant women. Caution should still be taken when choosing these creams, but it’s widely believed that the potential benefits of using a cream in category B outweigh the potential risks.

Hemorrhoids are an annoying and painful condition that affects thousands of pregnant and new mothers each year. While it can be tempting to immediately reach for hemorrhoid cream to gain relief from this condition, it’s worth considering the alternatives first as research shows they could be more effective at clearing up the condition and they could pose less of a risk to your unborn baby’s health.

Ready to Hemorrhoid Cream for Pregnancy Hemorrhoids?

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Kylie Jenner’s Face Wash Video Causes Quite an Outrage Thu, 06 Jun 2019 12:03:21 +0000

Kylie Jenner may be the world’s youngest billionaire but she is not immune to being ripped apart by savage social media users. Kylie’s current dilemma all started when she announced the launch of her new skincare range known as Kylie Skin which contains numerous skin-care basics such as a vitamin C serum and foaming face wash. The item that caused the public outcry is none other than a Walnut Face Scrub – a controversial product that has been known to cause micro-tears on the skin when used too vigorously. Some of Kylie’s followers even went on to say that she is trying to sell products that she will never use herself as she had access to the most expensive skincare ranges in the world. If that was not bad enough, Ms Jenner went on to make a video that trended for all the wrong reasons.

How waterproof was that foundation?

The offending video clip that was posted on the Twitter and Instagram accounts belonging to Kylie Skin showed Kylie washing her face with her Foaming Face Wash before wiping it with a fluffy snow-white towel. While all of this may seem pretty genuine, viewers were quick to point out that a huge amount of facial foundation was left on the towel. The product used in the video claims to “cleanse skin while helping to remove dirt, oil, and makeup for a fresh, bright complexion” – something it clearly battles to achieve. As was expected, Twitter showed absolutely no mercy when it came to calling out the superstar with some comments reading “This how you wash your face when you can buy new skin,” and “Imagine buying face wash from someone who doesn’t even know how to wash their face properly”.

Things are bad when your own sister mocks you

Shortly after Kylie’s video flopped, her sister Kim Kardashian decided to make her own version of the video. Kim posted an Instagram story that stated that she got hold of Kylie’s phone and started to mimic her in a playful manner. At one point she says: “I am going to teach you guys how to do a tutorial on how to wash your face, and b——, I only have 10 seconds.” She later activates a funny youthful face filter before saying: “Alright so after that 10-second face wash tutorial, this is now what I look like. I have such a youthful complexion now.” At the end of the video, Kylie can be heard screaming at her sister, accusing her of being mean.

But how long should you then wash your face?

Unless the product you are using states otherwise you should aim to wash your face for approximately 30 seconds. Exfoliating, however, may take up to a minute while an exfoliate/wash/tone combo can take in the region of two minutes. According to Dr. Howard Sobel, a NYC-based dermatologist suggests that oil cleansing should take place before you wash your face to remove makeup and other impurities from the skin. This is some good advice that Kylie should also consider following if she does not want to embarrass herself in front of her millions of followers again.

If you’re a celeb like Kylie Jenner, you best make sure you know what you are doing before making a video and making a fool of yourself. That said, despite what was perceived to be ‘bad publicity’, the Foaming Face Wash used in the video sold out on the range’s website shortly after the video went viral.

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Behold The Rise Of The At-Home Beauty Service Mon, 06 May 2019 12:08:56 +0000

Despite the American salon and spa industry booming, an increasing number of women simply do not have the time or energy to visit a local facility to have their beauty requirements seen to. Cue the at-home beauty service that is fast becoming the go-to for women who prefer to have their beauty treatments at home. Being pampered in your own home is no longer only limited to the rich and famous who have their own beauty teams at their beck and call. Thanks to an increasing number of at-home beauty treatment providers it has become possible to simply pick up your phone and request the treatments you want done via a number of easy-to-use applications such as those originally offered by Uber and Doordash.

Can I really have my beauty treatments at home?

Companies such as Glamsquad, Priv, Soothe, and Vênsette are challenging conventional salons and spas in the USA by offering a range of quality, sought-after services, and treatment to clients in the comfort of their own homes. Glamsquad, for example, operates in NYC, LA, Washington DC, Boston, and the Bay area and offer services such as lash extensions, make-up lessons, manicures, massages, and blowouts. While most companies limit their mobile services to hairstyling, basic skin care, makeup application, nail services, and it is not unheard of to stumble across one that will take care of your teeth whitening, facial acupuncture, and derma-rolling at your own home.

A vitamin IV can boost your mental and physical well-being

While having your hair and nails done at your own home may not seem very out of the ordinary, receiving an IV treatment will definitely raise a few eyebrows. Maura Mundell, a former corporate lawyer, was permanently exhausted due to a demanding lifestyle after having no luck with conventional methods she visited an integrated-medicine practitioner who prescribed a course of high-potency vitamin IVs.

Within 6 months Mandell was feeling 100% better and as much as 20 years younger but found herself frustrated with how difficult it was to schedule regular appointments to receive vitamin IV drips. She eventually started researching how to start her own on-demand business and later co-founded StriveIV which offers as many as 15 preservative-free vitamin and mineral drips targeting various issues to homes in NYC, Westchester County, and certain areas in Connecticut.

Don’t forget to do your homework

As life-changing as in-home beauty services may be, it is always a good idea to do some research before parting with any money. There is a huge difference between getting a manicure and having Botox injected into your face. While it is possible to have both treatments done in the comfort of your own home, it might be best to not let just anyone stick needles in you. Prior to booking a home procedure check out the credentials of the various service providers, paying special attention to their licensing and safety precautions. Reading client reviews are also a good way to gauge whether a company truly delivers on all its promises. While there are many superb service providers there are, unfortunately, also a few fly-by-nights which are best avoided if you value your appearance and your health.

The world of skin care and beauty is evolving so fast that it is sometimes hard to stay abreast of the latest developments. Being able to enjoy beauty treatments at home is, however, one trend that is definitely worth exploring as it can not only save you time but keep you looking your best as well.

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Should You Be Using Red Light Therapy For Skin Treatments? Tue, 16 Apr 2019 15:45:21 +0000

Red light therapy (RLT) uses red low-level wavelengths of light to treat a variety of skin problems, from cosmetics issues, like improving the appearance of stretch marks and wrinkles, to treating serious conditions, such as slow-healing wounds and the side effects of chemotherapy. Originally, it was used by scientists to grow plants, where they discovered that it promotes growth and photosynthesis. They then used this to increase the energy inside human cells in the hope of treating muscle atrophy, slow wound healing, and problems with bone density caused by space travel. Today, RLT is used for a wide array of conditions, particularly problematic skin.

How does RLT work?

A lot of research has been done into RLT, but there’s still a lot to learn about how it works. It’s believed that RLT produces a biochemical effect in cells that results in mitochondria strengthening. Mitochondria are the parts of a cell where energy is created. The molecules that carry this energy in cells is known as ATP. By making mitochondria work more effectively, a cell can make more ATP. Essentially, what this means is that cells will have more energy, which means they can function better to rejuvenate themselves and repair damage.

What can RLT be used for?

Using RLT is considered an experimental treatment, as research into it is still being conducted, but there is enough evidence to show that is can be used for plenty of conditions. Skin conditions include wound healing, ulcers, psoriasis, preventing cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus, and improving scar tissue appearance and tightness. Cosmetically, it can also help with the skin’s complexion and build up collagen to help with the appearance of wrinkles.

RLT can promote hair growth for androgenic alopecia, and provide pain and inflammation relief for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and Achilles tendons. RLT can also be used to prevent oral mucositis and other side effects caused by cancer treatments, as it helps to activate some of the medicines used.

Are there any side effects?

Laser and pulsed light therapies work by damaging the outer layers of the skin in a controlled way to promote tissue repair. The good thing about RLT is that it doesn’t cause any damage, yet still stimulates the cells to have the same results as other light therapies. Generally, RLT is safe and painless, but some people have experienced burns and blistering. However, most of these have been caused by people falling asleep on RLT beds in salons or using devices with faulty wires or corrosion that shouldn’t have been used in the first place. There’s a risk of RLT causing damage to the eyes, the same as other laser therapies do, so wearing eye protection is essential during treatments.


Where to get RLT treatments

Where you get RLT treatment will depend on what you want to use it for. For cosmetic treatments, there are plenty of salons, gyms, and spas that have options available, including the use of RLT beds. You can also buy your own devices to use at home, but if you plan to do this, make sure it’s an FDA approved product. These are generally used for treating the signs of aging and improving complexion. For conditions that need targeted and more intense treatment, you should see a dermatologist. It’s likely you’ll need several treatments before any difference is noticeable.

For serious medical conditions, like psoriasis, using RLT for pain relief and cancer-related treatments, you should discuss the options with your doctor. Currently, RLT isn’t covered by insurance companies as its effectiveness is still questionable, but some providers will cover its use for cancer patients.

Despite still being considered an experimental treatment, there’s plenty of research to prove the effectiveness of RLT. You should always speak to a dermatologist or doctor before self-treating, particularly for more serious conditions, but RLT does offer promising results.

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